OSM Asugan: 用模式创新拥抱变化
在日前举行的MUSIC MATTERS 2018大会期间,爱听卓乐与马来西亚最大的版权服务机构之一OSM的总经理Dr. Asugan Pechi Muthu深入探讨了双方在东南亚市场的业务合作,并就音乐行业的变化和机遇、营销推广和内容货币化的模式创新等话题展开了富有启发性的探讨。
关于 One Stop Music (OSM)Berhad:
I am Asugan from One Stop Music (OSM)Berhad, Malaysia who heads the entire business operations of the company as itsGeneral Manager.
OSM which was founded in 2005 is a truly one stop rightsclearing centre and also known as 4th music major in Malaysia with about 250members who mainly are independent music record labels and publishing companies.
OSM is company limited by guarantee owned byits members and functioning as not-for-profit entity, supervised by amember-elected board representing the independent label community, ensuringthat members receive the benefit of OSM’s activities at the lowest cost. Ourmembers representing music content from Malaysia, Indonesia, Taiwan and India.
OSM acts to ensure its members haveeffective access to new and emerging revenue streams and that their rights areappropriately valued and protected. OSM has licensed the world’s leadingdigital music services including YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Joox,Deezer, KKBOX, Akazoo, Dailymotion, Tencent’s Ultimate Music and etc. We are100% with our members regarding deal terms.
For year 2017, OSM commands about 22% from overall digital music market share in Malaysia.
我是来自马来西亚One Stop Music (OSM) Berhad 的Asugan,作为总经理,我负责公司的整体运营。
OSM努力确保会员单位的版权得到正当的使用和保护,并从迅速发展的流媒体行业中获得分成。OSM向世界最领先的数字音乐服务机构进行音乐授权,包括YouTube, Spotify, Apple Music, iTunes, Joox, Deezer, KKBOX, Akazoo,Dailymotion, Tencent’s Ultimate Music等等。OSM恪守与会员单位的交易条款。
A=One Stop Music (OSM)总经理Dr.Asugan Pechi Muthu
Q: Canyou share with us the major changes in the music industry from the perspectiveof a music content provider? And how do you embrace / support these changes?
A: Those days physical CDs dominate the music market but not anymore. Now music are available digitally. This isobviously something good and everyone need to adapt to be the trend changes.With advancement of technologies in term of high speed Internet, high techsmartphones, connected devices and others; music has become easily accessible,comes interactively and stylish with digital music apps that offer high qualitymusic entertainment to its user anytime, anywhere and on any devices. Withcurrent available technologies and facilities, music distribution digitally hasbecome easier to music content providers and lowered number of manpower resourcesneeded as compared to earlier days. I am very excited with the prospect ofthese current emerging digital music market. However the revenue model hasdrastically impacted compared to physical era. From Albums and now we mostlyproducing singles and revenue earned from streaming subscription orad-supported model is relatively very much smaller sum. We all have to acceptthe changes on trends and technology by embrace new changes. We could maximiseexploitation of our contents and revenue by collaborating with more players aswell as with those players with new business models. Most importantly,emphasize more on effective strategized marketing for better content exposureto consumers.
Q: WithChanges, comes along opportunities. What are some of these opportunities thatyou see as a music content provider?
A: Music connects with everyone these daysin various forms. Beside smartphones nowadays more devices are capable toconnect to Internet e.g. Connected Car multimedia player system, smart watches,smart speakers, wearables and others.
Q: Aswe have seen many brands come and go over the years, how do we help build a sustainablebusiness? What do we need to do to turn this around and stay in the game?
A: Good question! We have seen high and lowin the industry. In order to sustain our business in any situations, we shoulduse our expertise in content marketing, creating the hits. The success of acontent not only depends on its quality but primarily on the marketingstrategies that being carried out at right time. We must always work closelywith new players in market who might not necessarily be from the musicindustry. It is definitely must be a collaborative effort to create asustaining business.
Q: Aswe move into the digital space, pls share with us any innovative monetizationmodel to capitalize on this new market moving forward.
A: Well I think that with availabletechnologies, the players may attract consumers to pay for unique exclusivecontents example like getting artist closers to fans via their platform servicesuch as exclusive interaction, exclusive chat-interview sessions, or mobilelive events. Now everyone getting entertainment, news, gaming and etc viamobile. So, why not try out something like exclusive live events withreasonable fee. Besides that we may explore pay-per-use OR pay-what-you-want conceptas well but subject to how its packaged to the end consumers. At present we areused to 2 common models: subscription and ad-supported. Maybe we could try to expanddifferent type of subscription service. Example: vanity/reputation where the featuresallowing consumer to distinguish themselves from other consumer which makesthem feel important. This type of features often used in gaming. These specialfeatured users may be offered additional valued added service as I mentionedearlier like artist interaction or access to special contents.